In line with Government guidelines a risk assessment of the shop in Boldmere has been undertaken. Due to the nature of the product customers will handle a lot of stock other than those they buy. There is also the issue of the length of time some customers wish to spend in the shop. In light of both these risks, the arrangements made will being under regular review. It is possible that regular customers who like to spend more time cratedigging will be able to make an appointment to access the shop at a different time, outside regular opening hours.
Cleaning, Washing and Hygiene
- Prior to reopening a thorough cleaning of the shop was undertaken. All records were untouched for two months before work to reopen began and so any residual virus would no longer be active.
- Sanitiser is installed at the entrance to the shop and on the counter. All customers and staff will be required to sanitise hands before handling stock.
- Regular cleaning of contact points will be undertaken – this will include door handles, crates and sleeves and the counter. The regularity of this will vary in accordance with the traffic through the shop. Card reader machine will be wiped after every use. The record player will no longer be available for customer use & neither will the toilet.
- An emergency cleaning kit will be available should a coughing or sneezing episode occur in the shop.
Social Distancing & Transmission Risk
- The capacity of the shop allows for three customers at any time. A barrier will be created across the doorway to ensure customers stop and familiarise themselves with the new arrangements before opening. These will be clearly displayed near the entrance to the shop. There will be signs encouraging social distancing and floor markings indicating safe distances.
- Customers will be requested to place records on the counter and step away to a designated safe distance away whilst the sale is processed. Stock had been rearranged to allow encourage social distancing. A protective curtain is installed to provide a screen between the service area and the new stock/reggae area where social distancing would be difficult.
- Persons wishing to sell records will be encourage to ring and make an appointment. Records can be received through the back door where they will be quarantined for 3 days before being processed for sale.